Emily Taber Public Library: Using the Library

The library offers many resources to the entire community with or without a card. Having your own library card, however, will give you access to a lifetime of entertainment, knowledge, and enlightenment…for free.
Get a Library Card
Policy for library registration and use
This policy governs library use in the New River Public Library Cooperative comprised of libraries in Baker, Bradford, and Union Counties, FL. Policies are intended to insure consistent patron and library responsibility throughout the Cooperative.
- All persons seeking to borrow library materials and use materials outside of the library building must register in the library system.
• Picture identification with current address or old identification with official mail with current address.
• Persons seeking to borrow library materials must sign the application form.
• Parent/legal guardian must register for minors under 18 years of age. • Child should be present when registering and must be at least five years old. - The New River Public Library Cooperative recognizes that some of its patrons who are aged 18 or older, may have one or more disabilities that render them incapable of registering under this Policy. In such an event, the parents, spouses, and legal guardians of these disabled patrons, shall be permitted to register on their behalves, as set forth above.
- Persons who do not live in a county with which the Cooperative or County has a reciprocal borrowing agreement must pay an out of county fee of $12.00 per card. The card will be good for six months.
- Out of county cardholders will have a limit of 10 items per card and the card can only be used at the issuing library.
- Most library materials are loaned for three weeks. Most items can be renewed one time.
New materials and best sellers may have different loan periods. - Fines for overdue materials are 10 cents per day per item.
- Persons who have accumulated more than $10.00 in outstanding fines will be prohibited from borrowing other materials until the fines are less than $10.00.
- Persons who have any item held past the due date may be prohibited from borrowing other materials until the item is returned.
- Items that are lost or damaged must be paid for before additional materials can be borrowed.
- All overdue fines, lost materials fees and other charges must be paid in full before renewing library privileges.
- Some counties may choose to send long term overdue accounts to a collection agency for further resolution.
Approved Governing Board New River Public Library Cooperative.
Computer Usage
The New River Public Library Cooperative and its member libraries provide computers and internet access, both wired and wireless, to the public equally and without charge for internet access. This furthers our mission of ‘providing …materials and resources that encourage individual growth.’ Service is provided as funds permit; there may be time limits on use of computers. New River Public Library Cooperative and its member libraries provide filtered access to the Internet on all computers for the staff and public. Websense software or router level filtering is used as the Technology Protection Measure in order to comply with Child Internet Protection Act (47 USC224 (h) and FCC Final Rule 47 CFR Part 54 and FCC Second CIPA Order (FCC 03-188). Categories that are blocked may include adult material, illegal drugs, gambling, extremists, hate and racism sites, violence and weapons site. Some sites providing downloads of streaming media are also blocked due to limited bandwidth. Free downloads of software, etc are blocked as a security measure. Unfiltered access can be provided to adults as requested by disabling the technology protection measure. See the library director or his/her designee. Users can also request reconsideration of a blocked site. All staff and public users of library computers must comply with Federal , State and/or local laws, Library Code of Conduct, other library rules and policies, and terms of any contracts such as software licenses. Examples of applicable laws include the Florida Computer Crimes Act (FS815); Florida Statutes governing pornography and obscenity (FS 847) Electronic Communications Privacy Act (U.S. Code Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 119); the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (U.S. Code Title 18, Part 1, Chapter 47, §1030). These laws prohibit ‘hacking,’ ‘cracking,’ and similar activities. Users must not use computing resources to gain unauthorized access to local or remote computers or to impair or damage the operations of computers, networks, or peripherals of New River Public Library Cooperative or its member libraries or networks. Deliberate attempts to circumvent data protection and security measures are not allowed. Violations of computer resources, rules of use, code of conduct, and/or applicable local, state or federal law may be subject to prosecution by relevant authorities. Parents or guardians who allow minors to use the library and internet without parental supervision are responsible for their children’s decisions. Parents and children are strongly encouraged to take part in Internet Safety training provided by the library, or view materials on their own. The library uses interactive materials and online videos from www.netsmartz.org/Parents Computer users in the library found violating the above rules will be barred from further computer use for a period of thirty (30) days. Users may appeal this decision in writing to the library director within 48 hours. An appeal to the director’s decision may be made to the County Administrator or Board of County Commissioners.
Provision of this service does not constitute any endorsement of resources by New River Public Library Cooperative, its member libraries or governing boards. The New River Public Library Cooperative , member libraries, or its governing boards shall have no liability for any direct and/or indirect damages relating from the use of computers or information accessed on the Internet from library computers. Internet users are also reminded that:
- Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. Users must be good information consumers.
- Filtering software or other technology protection measures do not block all materials users might find offensive.
- Public library computers are not private or secure. Users are strongly cautioned against providing personal information.
Sources for internet safety information
http://www.safeflorida.net/ http://www.netsmartz.org/
Sources for Florida Statutes: Source for U.S. Code & Information on CIPA (Child Internet Protection Act)
Policies and Procedures
Using the Library…
- Union, Baker and Bradford counties are joined together to create a cooperative; a library system with shared automation system and policies.
- To register for library services, patron must verify residency by providing a picture ID with current address. If ID does not have correct address, patron must also provide an official piece of current mail with correct address.
- Parents/legal guardians must register for children 5-18 years.
- The library recognizes some persons, aged 18 and older, may have one or more disabilities which render them incapable of registering under this policy. In such an event, the parent, spouse, or legal guardian of the disabled person may register on their behalf.
- Library cards can be used at any library in Union, Baker, and Bradford Counties. Cardholder is responsible for all materials borrowed and all fees accrued.
- Parent/guardian is responsible for their child’s materials and fees.
- There is a $1.00 fee to replace lost cards.
- Due to a reciprocal borrowing agreement, patrons can also register, free of charge, for library services in Alachua, Columbia, and Nassau counties. In addition, Bradford County residents can register for library service in Putnam and Clay Counties.
- Residents from other counties can register for library services for a fee of $12.00 per 6 months with card privileges only available at the home library.
Borrowing and Returning Materials…
- You must have your personal card when checking out materials.
- Items are loaned out for three weeks.
- Items may be renewed one time, unless someone else is waiting for that item.
- Items can be renewed in person, by phone, or online.
- Library account privilege must be current with no overdue items or excessive fees in order to borrow library materials or use library computers.
- Library account must be paid in full of all charges in order to renew your borrowing privilege.
- First time borrowers are limited to five items.
- After return of those first items, borrowing limit will increase to 25 items per card; with a limit of ten items of audio/visual materials. Out of county cardholders will have a limit of 10 items per card.
- Materials can be returned to any library in Union, Baker, and Bradford Counties.
- All libraries have secure book drops that are accessible 24 hours a day / seven days a week.
- If materials are returned after the due date the account will be charged 10¢ per item, per day until materials are returned.
- Library materials lost or damaged beyond repair will be billed to your account at the replacement cost of the item.
- Books, regular and large print books
- DVDs
- Audio books on CD
- Computer use for the public
- You must have your library card or a photo ID in order to use library computers.
- Policies for computer use are the same as borrowing of library materials: account must be current with no overdue items or excessive fees.
- Storytime for preschool children
- Summer programs for children
- After school programs for children
- Programs for teens
- Programs for adults and seniors
- Available through our website: https://www.newriverlibrary.org/etpl/
- Libby – downloadable eBooks
- Transparent Language Online
- Ask a Librarian – online chat with a librarian
- Florida Electronic Library – includes full text magazines, encyclopedias, consumer and health resources
- Kids InfoBits – research for youth
- TumbleBooks – online books for children
- Peterson’s Test Prep
- Smart Pay – pay library fees online with debit/credit card
- Career Transitions – online job searching
- Through our webpage: https://www.newriverlibrary.org/etpl/ you can check on item availability, request that an item be reserved, renew library materials, and download eBooks.
- You will need your library card number and PIN.
- Your library account must be current with no overdue items or excessive fees.
- Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on what’s happening at the library: facebook.com/emilytaberpubliclibrary
Friends of the Library
Please talk to the library director about the Friends of the Library group.
Parents should guide their children in selection of materials and computer use that reflect their values.